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Since you like telling everyone else about their violations of the Giants TOS, when do you plan on making your paid mods free? You wouldnt want to be breaking the TOS would you?


I'm sorry for you...


So that's a no? Got it. You don't actually care about the TOS. 


I do not. I care about respecting other modders, asking for permissions to use their parts/mods for your edits. That's the whole point, as i said i'm sorry for you, you can't even understand simple stuff like this. The TOS is brought in this conversation, because you bring it on.. We do not care really, Giants doesn't give you any permissions, no matter how hard you try to assume it based on the TOS..


All I hear is whining. That's fine. 


Ah yes, you don't have anything to say, so you use the AJ phrases... haha, if a modder that spent hours and hours working on a mod tells you that he doesn't want you to use his parts he is whining, he is snowflake and so on... All i hear is another clueless AJ pet making fool of himself ... And before you start with "I'm a grown man and have my own opinion" ... No , you don't... Otherwise you wouldn't be posting screenshots in AJ server to get attention and approval as soon as someone comments anything. And another thing to further prove how pathetic you are... Why didn't you say anything about the "paid" mods i had for year before AJ started his "operation" if you are sooo concerned about TOS... Ah yes, that's right, because you are nobody, have no self opinion and just do whatever AJ told you... What a clown....


Bro your one of the reasons why modders stop making mods entirely. Just shut up and appreciate all the free mods you do get. Crown has more high quality free mods then over half of the FS modders out there.